

Our ticket prices vary according to the type of performance.

There are no fixed seats. We have 258 seats, all with a good view on the stage.

In-house productions
Normal price: € 18.00
Reduced price: € 15.00 (applies to pensioners and severely disabled persons; accompanying persons are not free)
Students/pupils: € 8.00

WCW members receive a 10% discount, does not apply to children's and youth plays.

Students of Chemnitz University of Technology receive one free ticket per person and performance with the Kulturticket from 15 minutes before the start of the performance - subject to availability. Guest performances and special events are excluded.

With the DANKE-Card, volunteers receive tickets at a reduced price of € 15.00.

Premieres and New Year's Eve
€ 20.00
including sparkling wine/orange juice - no discounts

Theater day - All tickets 12,00 € | Students and pupils pay our normal, reduced price.

Amateur productions
Normal price: € 15.00
Children and young people: € 8.00

Children's plays
Normal price: € 12.00
Children and young people (from six years): € 8.00
Children up to six years: € 5.00

Guest performances
Guest performances or rentals invited by us set their own admission prices and have their own rules for reduced prices.