

Fritz Theater
Kirchhoffstraße 34-36
09117 Chemnitz

Tel: 0371/8747270

Public transportation to the Fritz Theater:

  • by tram to Schönau stop (tram line 1) and bus to Kopernikusstraße stop (bus 253, 41, 126 and N16) - then approx. 5 minutes on foot to the Fritz Theater.
  • or bus stop Sterzelstraße (Bus 73 Bus 42) - then approx. 3 min walk to the Fritz Theater.
  • or by train (train 510) to Siegmar station - then approx. 12 min walk to the Fritz Theater.

Timetable information

Please note that our house is located in a residential area and therefore there are not enough parking spaces directly in front of our house.

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