

black comedy by Morris Panych


Lovers of black humor will get their money's worth with this heartbreaking play.

Kemp visits his terminally ill aunt in order to inherit. Unfortunately, she doesn't do him the decisive favor. He settles in with her and a bizarre relationship develops between the two: days turn into weeks, the seasons come and go, and the wilted plant blossoms under his domestic care. A surprising twist in the story in the middle of the play leads to a beautiful and moving ending.

Theater piece facts

Vigil - black comedy by Morris Panych

Premiere / First performance
Additional information

In-house productions
Normal price: € 18.00
Reduced price: € 15.00 (applies to pensioners and severely disabled persons; accompanying persons are not free)
Students/pupils: € 8.00

People involved

A selection of people who have been involved in this play.
Many more work behind the scenes who are not mentioned here. See: About us.

Hardy Hoosman as Kemp Martina Herzog as Tante

Upcoming shows

Vigil - black comedy by Morris Panych

No showings planned.