Guest performances

The morning can wait

Der Morgen kann warten 6 © Jörg Metzner.jpg

The morning can wait

As part of the off Europa festival in our house, we are showing a guest performance by Theater Handgemenge: a surreal shadow theater for young people and adults by Peter Müller and Susi Claus.

On the stage, a hint of a nursing home. And an elderly man who doesn't want to sleep. He is afraid that if he closes his eyes and falls asleep, his soul might leave his body. Mr. Petermann doesn't want to say goodbye yet, he still wants to experience something. And so he sets off on a nocturnal journey.

"What at first glance appears to be topical and political, turns out at second glance to be a wonderfully poetic journey into the inner world of older people. (...) What if we simply listened to the elderly and accompanied them empathetically on their (final) journeys?"

Astrid Priebs-Tröger, Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten

People involved

A selection of people who have been involved in this play.
Many more work behind the scenes who are not mentioned here. See: About us.

Theater Handgemenge

Upcoming shows

The morning can wait

No showings planned.