Ellen Schaller
Ellen Schaller in:
"Erika or the hidden meaning of life"
by Elke Heidenreich
Director: Matthias Nagatis
Premiere: November 24, 2024 Theaterkahn Dresden
Sometimes you don't know where you belong in life anymore. Like Betty, who takes stock before the holidays: "It was as if I had forgotten how to live." Elke Heidenreich tells one of her most beautiful stories about how a giant fluffy pig called Erika gives life meaning again, albeit in a hidden way. Erika the pig is so cuddly and headstrong that you immediately fall in love with her. Anyone who knows Ellen Schaller knows that they can look forward to an evening full of humor, melancholy and joie de vivre.
Erika or the hidden meaning of life - Ellen Schaller
Normal price: € 18.00Reduced price: € 15.00 (severely disabled persons; accompanying persons are not free. Does not apply to pensioners)Student: € 8.00
A selection of people who have been involved in this play. Many more work behind the scenes who are not mentioned here. See: About us.