Guest performances

Dorit Gäbler


Dorit Gäbler

Dorit Gäbler: As she lives and breathes... and sings!

Being an actress, touching people with words and songs, awakening dreams and sparking fantasies -

Dorit Gäbler wanted to do this from a very early age. After many successful years in film, television and on stage, it is still important to her to give people beautiful memories with her art and to give them a special experience.

So take a seat and immerse yourself in the most memorable moments, the most challenging obstacles, the most beautiful songs and the greatest successes of Dorit Gäbler's career.

People involved

A selection of people who have been involved in this play.
Many more work behind the scenes who are not mentioned here. See: About us.

Dorit Gäbler

Upcoming shows

Dorit Gäbler - Snapshots

No showings planned.