Guest performances

Alter Ego

Thomas Müller


Are we already living in Udo Lindenberg's Bunter Republik Deutschland because 12-year-old girls greet each other with: "Ey dude!"?

Does it, like everything and always, have to do with sex and Freud when you are happy that as Frederick the Great you can say things like Thilo Sarrazin at most?

Have we arrived in Europe because our most famous German was a Frenchman by choice and our favorite violinist is Dutch?

And if politics leads to me being beside myself and no longer knowing myself - am I already a split personality?

I don't know.

I'll have to ask everyone!

Theater piece facts

Alter Ego - Thomas Müller

Additional information


People involved

A selection of people who have been involved in this play.
Many more work behind the scenes who are not mentioned here. See: About us.

Additional cast or people involved

Cabaret by Thomas Müller

Director: Stephan Reher

Upcoming shows

Alter Ego - Thomas Müller

No showings planned.