Comedy by Sabine Misiorny and Tom Müller
Two incompetent crooks, a warehouse in the middle of nowhere and hundreds of shoe boxes are the ingredients for this entertaining comedy. A workout for your laugh muscles!
Like their great role models, whose names they no longer know, the unlikely couple is dreaming of: big money, big love and a life of luxury. Marriage in Las Vegas, a honeymoon in Hawaii, the full program out of insignificance. But first they have to break the bank. A piece of cake! Because Manni is a planner and yes, loves shoes and is there too. So no problem, if it weren't for the cruel reality: Chantal's mistaken belief that she's "not stupid" and Manni's unbroken belief in himself.
Accompany them on their grotesque adventure, on their ludicrous tour de force of failure. Where there's not a dry eye in the house.
A challenge for your laughing muscles!
Two Like Bonnie And Clyde - Comedy by Sabine Misiorny and Tom Müller
A selection of people who have been involved in this play. Many more work behind the scenes who are not mentioned here. See: About us.