From William Shakespeare
A highly psychological comedy that polarizes like few other plays and - regardless of religion - raises the question of whether pure "being" or "doing" alone can give a person their social value.
Bassanio loves and needs money. Antonio is his friend and wants to vouch for him. Shylock is Jewish and lends his enemy money. Not for nothing, of course, but not for interest either - he has already been spat on and insulted enough by this same Antonio. No, he wants to cut a pound of flesh from Antonio's body if he can't pay him back in three months' time. Antonio, full of scorn and convinced that he will have paid back the money three times by then, enters into the pact.
The Merchant of Venice - From William Shakespeare
A selection of people who have been involved in this play. Many more work behind the scenes who are not mentioned here. See: About us.