Comedy by Yasmina Reza
"The God of Carnage" is an illustration of how quickly bourgeois sophistication can break down and escalate.
Two married couples meet. They don't have much in common, except that their two eleven-year-old sons are in the same class. They probably wouldn't have dreamed of getting to know each other if one son hadn't knocked out two of the other's teeth with a stick. The two couples try to work through the situation in as cultured a manner as possible. No problem, that's why they arranged to meet, to talk to each other in a sensible and civilized manner, as befits a civilized country. But the longer the parents talk over coffee and cookies about how to properly influence the 'perpetrator' son and reconcile the 'victim' son, the more heated the arguments become. The situation between the couples becomes increasingly tense. Gradually, more and more private details of their supposedly harmonious family life are revealed.And how this spirals into a spiral of hostility, defense and aggression, how the bourgeois façade of well-manneredness gradually crumbles and the situation escalates to the most embarrassing level, is a furious piece of comedy art: wicked and extremely funny.
God of Carnage - Comedy by Yasmina Reza
A selection of people who have been involved in this play. Many more work behind the scenes who are not mentioned here. See: About us.