
Sherlock Holmes' Last Case

Crime classics


A crime classic that goes through and through: quick-witted dialog, surprising and dramatic twists and finely drawn characters.

Simeon Moriarty, son of Sherlock Holmes' greatest adversary Professor Moriarty, is out for revenge. Sherlock finds himself trapped in a dark cellar vault, waiting for a deadly poison to take effect. Doctor Watson, Holmes' aide-de-camp and eternal corner man, continues the successful criminal enterprise without his autocratic boss. Suddenly, a gentleman appears at the door, claiming to be no one else than Sherlock Holmes. Why is Watson so sure that it must be a double?

Theater piece facts

Sherlock Holmes' Last Case - Crime classics

180 minutes (including break)

People involved

A selection of people who have been involved in this play.
Many more work behind the scenes who are not mentioned here. See: About us.

Hardy Hoosman as Sherlock Holmes Thomas Weidauer as Inspector Lestrade Silvia Klemm as Mrs Hudson Julia Berger as Liza
Frank Höhnerbach as "Dr. Watson"

Upcoming shows

Sherlock Holmes' Last Case - Crime classics

No showings planned.
