
"Haie küsst man nicht" (You don't kiss sharks)

Monologue by Stefanie Stroebele


With a light touch and a wink, author Stefanie Stroebele guides her Eva through all the emotional states of this situation. In a fast-paced monologue peppered with punchlines, she lets Eva tell her story and the audience learns not only that it is impossible to poison yourself with toilet cleaner, but also why it is better to kiss some sharks after all.

Eva Liebling is a kindergarten teacher and she is happily in love - with Martin. And today, on her birthday, Martin is going to propose to her.

But - disaster! The bastard makes out with Eva's best friend in the cellar. Enraged, Eva flees to her kindergarten. She locks herself in there and plots revenge. What else can a woman do in a situation like this? Can she do anything at all? Is there still a future for such a humiliated woman?

Theater piece facts

"Haie küsst man nicht" (You don't kiss sharks) - Monologue by Stefanie Stroebele

120 minutes (including break)

People involved

A selection of people who have been involved in this play.
Many more work behind the scenes who are not mentioned here. See: About us.

Isabelle Weh as Eva Liebling

Upcoming shows

"Haie küsst man nicht" (You don't kiss sharks) - Monologue by Stefanie Stroebele

No showings planned.
