

a production of the Fritz Theater amateur group


In the beginning there was heaven and earth, light and water, meadows and trees, day and night, creeping things and creatures - and that was good. Then came man, who rules over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth.
Today we look at what we have done. And lo and behold, it was...

"Life in Imbalance", which means Koyaanisqatsi in the Hopi Indian language, was the first film in a trilogy (Powaqqatsi/Naqoyqatsi), which in 1982, with music by Philip Glass, shows in an impressive, visually stunning way how far the life of our civilization seems to have distanced itself from human nature.

The Fritz Theater crew would like to take you on our exciting journey from the Big Bang to modern civilization. With light, music and experimenting with possible forms of physical and verbal expression, we dare to approach this topic in a way that touches all the senses. Let us try to give this, our, blue planet a voice. Let us hope that through the actions of each and every one of us, we will be able to look back on our planet at some point and say: Yes, it was good!

Theater piece facts

KOYAANISQATSI - a production of the Fritz Theater amateur group

1 hour
Additional information

Amateur productions
Normal price: € 15.00
Children and young people: € 8.00

People involved

A selection of people who have been involved in this play.
Many more work behind the scenes who are not mentioned here. See: About us.

Additional cast or people involved

Performing with a changing cast: the amateur group of the Fritz Theater

Upcoming shows

KOYAANISQATSI - a production of the Fritz Theater amateur group

No showings planned.
