

Comedy by Peter Quilter


The true story of Florence Foster Jenkins, the worst singer in the world!

In New York in the 1940s, she was an absolute social event: Florence Foster Jenkins. The enthusiastic soprano with a rather free approach to intonation tormented and squeaked her way through the very first vocal literature. In her head, she may have enchanted the world with her angelic voice. In acoustic reality, however, the beams and the audience from high society bent with laughter. But criticism and doubt did not challenge this strong-willed woman. Undeterred, she allowed the world to share in the blessings of her musicality, supported by a circle of friends who were as dazzling and eccentric as she was.

Theater piece facts

Glorious! - Comedy by Peter Quilter

3 hours (including break)

People involved

A selection of people who have been involved in this play.
Many more work behind the scenes who are not mentioned here. See: About us.

Elisabeth Letocha as Florence Foster Jenkins Hardy Hoosman as St. Claire Bayfield Antonio da Silva as Cosme McMoon Silvia Klemm as Dorothy Lena Franzkowiak as Maria
Isabelle Weh

Upcoming shows

Glorious! - Comedy by Peter Quilter

No showings planned.
