
Gas Light

Thriller by Patrick Hamilton


"Gaslight" is a psychological thriller with a breathtaking showdown. The play was first performed in London in 1939 and the 1944 film adaptation made it a worldwide success.

Since the Manningham couple moved into their new house, strange things have been happening. Objects disappear inexplicably, only to reappear elsewhere. Does the gloomy house harbor secrets? Or has Bella Manningham inherited her mother's mental illness, as her husband fears? Why does her husband Jack leave the house almost every evening? Is he fleeing from his insane wife or does he have a secret? One day the retired police detective Rough appears. The murder of the previous owner of the house twenty years ago won't let him rest - after all, the old lady's famous jewels and her murderer were never found...

Theater piece facts

Gas Light - Thriller by Patrick Hamilton

2 hours 15 (including break)
Additional information

In-house productions
Normal price: € 18.00
Reduced price: € 15.00 (applies to pensioners and severely disabled persons; accompanying persons are not free)
Students/pupils: € 8.00

People involved

A selection of people who have been involved in this play.
Many more work behind the scenes who are not mentioned here. See: About us.

Isabelle Weh as Bella Manningham Silvia Klemm as Dienstmädchen Julia Berger as Lilly
Darsteller*in additional
Frank Höhnerbach as Polizeidetektiv

Upcoming shows

Gas Light - Thriller by Patrick Hamilton

No showings planned.
