

Loosely based on Sophocles


Our Fritz Theater amateur group dares to tackle a classic of Greek mythology.

Electra has had no peace since her mother Clytemnestra and her lover Aigisthus killed her father Agamemnon. While Clytemnestra and Aigisthus shamelessly live out their new relationship and rule unrepentantly at the head of the state, Electra seeks bloody revenge. Her sister Chrysothemis refuses to take part in her sister's murderous plans; she has resigned herself to the new ruling conditions and puts the new peace above personal revenge. Elektra's only hope is to wait for her brother Orest's return and hope to find in him their father's longed-for avenger. The news of Orest's death leads Elektra to carry out the murder of her mother herself.

Sophocles places Elektra's pain at the loss of her father and her isolation at the center of the drama.

Theater piece facts

Electra - Loosely based on Sophocles

75 minutes

People involved

A selection of people who have been involved in this play.
Many more work behind the scenes who are not mentioned here. See: About us.

Kristin Scholz as Elektra Nicola-Rabea Langrzik as Elektra Jana Viola Beinhorn as Klytaimnestra
Isabelle Weh
Hardy Hoosman
Giulia Bruns as Elektra Maria Zhigljaey as Elektra Ellen Jürgens as Weise Clara Leschner as Wärter Christian Fankhänel as Wärter

Upcoming shows

Electra - Loosely based on Sophocles

No showings planned.
