

By Yasmina Reza.


Director Hardy Hoosman, who appears as Marc himself, has not only shown a good instinct for the choice of play, but also for the cast. The Berlin actors Frank Muth and Wolfgang Mondon fill their roles excellently.

Three men and a white painting - everything you always wanted to know about the art business and male friendships!
Serge, the art lover, has bought himself a painting. An Antrios for 200,000 francs. The painting is white, except for the tiniest nuances. Marc, his friend, simply cannot and will not believe that Serge has spent so much money on the painting. He finds "this shit" ridiculous and offends the proud art lover by accusing him of humorlessness. Yvan, the third in the group and currently far more preoccupied with his marriage, tries to remain in solidarity with Serge...

Theater piece facts

Art - By Yasmina Reza.

120 minutes (including break)

People involved

A selection of people who have been involved in this play.
Many more work behind the scenes who are not mentioned here. See: About us.

Hardy Hoosman as Marc
Darsteller*in additional
Wolfgang Mondon as Yvan Frank Muth as Serge

Upcoming shows

Art - By Yasmina Reza.

No showings planned.
