Theatre management

Hardy Hoosman


After educating as an actor in Munich and New York, Hardy Hoosman has worked as an actor and director in Germany, Austria and Switzerland since 1986. As an actor, he has received several AZ Stars of the Week, e.g. for the one-person play "Dreck" by Robert Schneider. Highlights include the role of Simon in "Jesus Christ Superstar" by the Broadway Musical Company New York and his collaboration with Heiner Lauterbach and Uwe Ochsenknecht in the play "Ein seltsames Paar" in Munich, Berlin and Hamburg.

As a director, he won the Wolfgang-Anraths-Prize for children's and youth theater with the play "Geheime Freunde" by Rudolf Herfurtner based on the novel "Der gelbe Vogel".

In film and television, he has appeared in various roles in "Marienhof", "Sturm der Liebe", "Soko", "Der Alte" and many more, as well as in supporting roles in cinema, e.g. in "Asterix and Obelix" with Gerard Depardieu or as Drag in "Enemy Mine" by Wolfgang Petersen, starring Dennis Quaid.

Today at the Fritz Theater

Involved in

The kidney as Götz God of Carnage as Alain Reille Art as Marc The Odd Couple as Oscar Sherlock Holmes' Last Case as Sherlock Holmes Vigil as Kemp Venice in the snow as Christophe Glorious! as St. Claire Bayfield Gretchen 89ff. as Der Freudianer Der Streicher Der Schmerzensmann Der alte Haudegen Heartland as Harald Cyrano - poet and warhorse as Alle Anderen Confetti! as Martin Five Women And A Corpse as Köchin
Well, today is hearty! as Karl Valentin There used to be more tinsel as in verschiedenen Rollen "Christbaumbrettl" (Christmas tree board) as Karl Valentin Loriot evening as in verschiedenen Rollen Little Man - What Now? Part 1 as Arzt / Kube Loriot as in verschiedenen Rollen Little Man - What Now? Part 2 as Jänecke Jachmann No to money! as Etienne Rougery Little Man - What Now? as Arzt Jachmann / Jänecke Fairground as Hermann Fischer Kautsky The beautiful Susanne as Klingsor
Much ado about nothing