
Christian Claas

Christian Claas

After studying theater and musicology as well as social psychology, Claas worked at various theaters, including the Castillo Theatre (New York), the Meininger Staatstheater and the Bayreuth Festival with changing artistic and organizational tasks.

As a freelance director, composer and concept developer for drama and puppet theater, he likes to bring together places and ideas that were previously in separate spheres. His themes often revolve around space and science fiction. Most recently, he developed an interactive online theater piece for schools for the Figurentheater Chemnitz, "Wandertag im Weltraum", which won the audience award of the "Kulturlichter. German Prize for Cultural Education".

For the Robert Schumann Philharmonic Orchestra in Chemnitz, he has the alien R.O.B. land in concerts as part of family concerts. He is responsible for the script and scenic realization.

He has been developing theater music since 1996, initially for his own productions and now also for others. His music and sound design have been performed at theaters in Meiningen, Berlin, Dortmund, New York, Zwickau, Plauen, Chemnitz, Leipzig, Bamberg, Dresden, Magdeburg, Frankfurt (Oder) and Erfurt.

His collaboration on "Kleiner Mann - was nun?" is his debut at the Fritz Theater.

Involved in

Little Man - What Now? Part 2 as Spannfuß Brillenmensch There used to be more tinsel as in verschiedenen Rollen Loriot as in verschiedenen Rollen Loriot evening as in verschiedenen Rollen Little Man - What Now? Part 1 as Lauterbach Little Man - What Now? as Spannfuß / Brillenmensch Lauterbach